Back To School

If you are reading this you have most likely been stuck behind one of these buses already this year.

School is back in session and to me that always reminds me of a fresh start!

It doesn’t matter what grades you got last year.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t reach all your goals.

This year - is your year!

New notebooks just waiting for you to take notes and try your best!

This how I am feeling on a chilly September morning in my new office.

A new office, new furniture and new neighbors.

Currently I am practicing in what is typically called an integrated practice. This is where multiple health professionals from various backgrounds and disciplines practice in the same office to best suit the needs of the patient.

As a chiropractor, I can only accomplish so much. At times other professionals are needed to help the patient.

If a vertebrae keeps getting pulled out alignment it could mean that there are some tight muscles that need to be massaged.

If someone keeps getting a cold, maybe they need to see a someone to measure their blood and see if they are lacking key nutrients in their diet.

Either way, when it comes to your health - it takes a village - and that is what we are trying to accomplish here.

So next time you are in for you appointment and you have a question about another health profession and curious how they can integrate into your chiropractic care - just ask.

Because you don’t need to wait for New Years Eve or the first day of school to make a change and start fresh when it comes to your health!